Hon. Justice Benjamin Kabiito, Chairman Judicial Service Commission
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) promoted 10 judicial officers to the lower Bench, in its bid to promote the growth of judicial career by the officers.
The promoted judicial officers were previously at the rank of Assistant Registrars and Chief Magistrate and they have now become substantive Deputy Registrars.
Their promotion will now see them posted to various high courts and appellate courts for work.
The JSC is a government body that is primarily mandated with the recruitment,promotion and disciplinary of errant judicial officers.
"The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) at its 31st meeting on 25th April 2018 directed that the following judicial officers be offered appointment on promotion as deputy registrars in the courts of judicature." Read in part a notice from Mr Kagole Expedito Kivumbi, the Secretary to the Judiciary dated May, 17 2018.
The officers promoted from the rank of Assistant Registrar to Deputy Registrar are: HW Festo Nsenga, HW Rosemary Ngabirano Bareebe and HW Flavia Nabakooza.
Those promoted Chief Magistrate to Deputy Registrar include; HW Mary Kaitesi Kisakye, HW Sylvia Nabaggala Mbuga, HW Moses Anguandia Gabriel and HW Godfrey Kaweesa.
The other group of promoted officers was from the rank of Senior Principal Grade One to now Acting Chief Magistrate.
They include; HW Charles Yeteise, HW Jessica Chemeri and HW Samuel Kagoda Ntende.
Five officers were confirmed in service. These are; HW Nasuru Magomu, HW Geoffrey Akena, HW Esther Nahirya, HW Maureen Mukoya and HW Doreen Ainembabazi.
In the same communication, Mr Kagole, stated that the JSC at its 23rd meeting on 29th November, 2017, deferred the confirmation in service of seven magistrates at Grade One level.
Mr Kagole said the communication will be made to each officer as soon as their specific details are obtained by the commission.
Mr Kagole in his communication, urged all those judicial officers who have not yet been confirmed, to take up this matter urgently reasoning that officers on probation, normally face challenges for promotion, study leave or transfer within the public service.
Posted 17th, May 2018